Thursday, September 30, 2010

What is new media art/ media arts?

John F Simon Jr. HD TRAFFIC. 2009
What is new media art/ media arts?
It’s a form of art created by new technology of today. Examples are: digital art, computer graphics, computer animation, visual art, internet art, interactive art, computer robotics etc. Its very different from the old visual arts like painting and sculptures, that we’re so used to. It’s a form of art that can be perceived very differently from the artists and observer.

What kind of a artwork is it?
 It’s a software and screen based artwork. This piece of art is a time passed painting with compositions that never repeat.

What is the subject matter of the art?
The subject matter of the artwork is that it uses cubes to show the traffic patterns happening on the streets. The cubes move fast, slow, stops to let other cubes pass by, avoid collisions, create collisions and etc.

What images do you see in the artwork?
 I see lots of cubes that represent the cars with many bright colours and many sizes.

1 comment:

  1. Agnes, where are the rest of the questions you needed to answer- this is more than a bit incomplete. You should be providing a complete analysis of this artwork with evident references and thorough research methods.
