Monday, October 11, 2010

Reality Check

Dove Evolution Commercial

This commerical above was presented to us from the creators of Dove. Dove produces body, hair and facial products for cleaning like shampoo and soap. This commercial shows the reality of photoshop and the ads that we see everywhere from magazines to billboards. Wherever we go there will always be advertisements. Without advertisements people wouldn't be able to buy and sell certain products. Advertisers do their best to try and make the product look as great as possible so that consumers would want to buy it. But small little touch ups and tweeks are not what its all about. The girls we see on giant bill boards on the side of buildings and magazines are always gorgeous. When someone sees this beautiful portrait of whoever it may be, they obviously want to be just like them. So right away the consumer will see this ad and say i want whatever he/she has. But the media has done it in such a way where girls will do whatever it takes to be what is considered "beautiful". Kids are told starting from such a young age that you need to have a certain kind of body, certain kind of face and certain kind of hair to be considered as "pretty". But whats great about this commercial is it shows what the media really does to get the final product of one of those beautiful girls we see in magazines. With products like make up, and technology like photoshop, advertisers can turn anyone and anything into what people belive is beautiful. This ad shows the process of what people really go through in order to get the final product.

After this commercial being aired and making for such contraversy, Dove released another commercial that shows what a child really sees in the media and how it can affect him/her.

Beauty Pressure

How girls and boys are pressured to look a certain way really does affect a boy/girls' life in long term. We see all the time on tv, people who do intense surgeries, buy expensive products, and develop health problems to obtain the face and body that they want. The media has affected not only how we grow up but any generations of children and adults to come. There needs to be an end to this, and thats what this commercial is trying to do. That there is not just one kind of beautiful.

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